Ehsan Rahimi
PhD Student
Research interests
In the last two years, my researches has been carried out in the following:
The nucleation and crystal growth of the nickel with electrodeposition method (electrocrystallization)
Superhydrophobic surfaces and icephobic behavior of superhydrophobic surfaces using electrodeposition method
Investigation of corrosion initiation sites and locally corrosion (Micro-galvanic corrosion) in FSW welding and solid-state welding of dissimilar metals.
The one of my favorite topics is to study the passive film growth and structural evolution of the metals and alloys in the presence of difference media (difference ions, temperature etc.) in atomic scale by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. In addition, recently a new concept as "correlation between tunneling current of metal oxide and SKPFM images in dissimilar solid state joint metals" which has been discussed.
My project main title during PhD degree in mCBEEs project is "Localized Corrosion Mechanism on Micro-and Nano devices in Biomedical Field".