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mCBEEs 2nd training event!

From the 5th to the 9th of November, the 2nd mCBEEs training event took place in Jönköping in Sweden. The first three days were dedicated to lectures within the topic of structural, mechanical and surface analytical techniques. Lecturer both from the host institution of Jönköping University, and invited lecturers from universities both within and outside of the consortium contributed to teach the Ph.D. students about all the different techniques. Furthermore, the students got to visit the lab facilities both in Jönköping University and at RISE in the neighbouring city of Borås.

The annual supervisory board meeting also took place on the 8th of November, so for the first time, all of the students and supervisors were all gathered. The final day of the event was dedicated to a poster session where all ESRs presented their projectsfor each other and the supervisors.

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