Salil Sainis
PhD Student
I am currently a doctoral student in Jönköping University in Sweden working in the Surface Technology Group at the Department of Materials and Manufacturing. I am technically educated in mechanical and aerospace engineering with a special interest in the science of materials. I wish to utilize my competence in engineering combined with passion for fundamental scientific research to help realize coating methodologies for aluminium alloys that can be applied on an industrial level.
Career Details
PhD Student in Materials Science
Jönköping University,
June 2018 - Present
Doctoral student in the department of materials and manufacturing in the School of Engineering. Does experimental studies in the field of corrosion protection coatings using chemical and electrochemical routes.
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
September 2014 - April 2017
Specialized in the science and engineering of aircraft structures and materials. Did master thesis in the research group Novel Aeroapce Materials (NovAM) on the topic of kinetics of bainite transformation in steels.
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
VIT University, India
June 2010 - June 2014
Mechanical studies in a broad bachelor program with final thesis in the field of materials engineering. Studied precipitation hardening behaviour of a titanium alloy through microstructure-process-property correlations.